12/29Is SMSSYSTEM everything making sense so far? Please let me know if there are any confusing parts before I get SMSSYSTEM into the details 주어는 everything, there으로 간접적으로 가져감Would it be ok to explain this part by drawing it SMSSYSTEM on the board? 복잡한 개념은 쓰면서 설명하자A. working in cloud architecture 1million request per hours SMS API system: SMSSYSTEM message - mobile messaging API Synchronize 여러 컴포넌트간 싱크를 맞춤on-time (live) account, Real-time payment information, calculating system (event SMSSYSTEM system), kafka diverse background in multiple field customer based 정산 시스템 Q. What was the challenging task?Q. How SMSSYSTEM did you resolve this?Network 구간 Message Ques Clients send request to app ->app sends ->message ques ->gateway Q. SMSSYSTEM CICD pipeline (automatically deployed) ->very good Q. Is security?Token based authentication Q. Bug you fixed that was very SMSSYSTEM hard to find?Huge failure in the system Portion allocation (5분)Q. Reason for transition?;Morally wrong order?